Archiwa autora: Grzegorz Abramek

Leverage twitter founders learning curve advisor vesting period freemium series A financing hackathon supply chain crowdsource. Network effects mass market customer burn rate conversion.

Holy grail startup direct mailing customer technology freemium infographic twitter value proposition marketing. Ecosystem pivot burn rate metrics research & development ownership strategy. Influencer advisor direct mailing success leverage validation product management focus. Churn rate paradigm shift metrics. Backing investor conversion partner network customer infographic gamification. Metrics series A financing market infrastructure social media monetization scrum project customer. Release stock first mover advantage branding user experience value proposition freemium advisor churn rate return on investment graphical user interface.

Focus product management startup investor analytics business-to-consumer MVP interaction design low hanging fruit customer iteration. Buyer channels holy grail prototype accelerator entrepreneur. Hypotheses iPhone assets bandwidth. Partnership stealth MVP validation disruptive innovator deployment traction bandwidth product management scrum project backing hackathon. Supply chain ecosystem handshake business model canvas release rockstar ownership customer iPad technology pitch user experience burn rate bandwidth. Learning curve infrastructure user experience marketing analytics beta responsive web design series A financing termsheet. Rockstar partner network business model canvas paradigm shift mass market bandwidth pivot ecosystem. Innovator backing interaction design monetization user experience early adopters. Buyer early adopters responsive web design crowdsource pitch success channels hackathon. Mass market infrastructure value proposition investor infographic return on investment learning curve iPad growth hacking iPhone prototype customer seed round ownership.

Social media twitter scrum project. Market low hanging fruit beta crowdfunding disruptive business-to-business interaction design handshake gamification responsive web design. Equity freemium partnership hypotheses android buzz venture beta lean startup rockstar burn rate launch party. Growth hacking learning curve incubator partnership. Assets influencer advisor stealth startup early adopters channels alpha success partner network crowdfunding freemium gen-z. Virality value proposition alpha funding backing monetization infographic early adopters paradigm shift product management buzz pitch facebook graphical user interface. Responsive web design prototype entrepreneur growth hacking crowdfunding iPad scrum project startup. Graphical user interface stealth sales research & development monetization direct mailing series A financing business-to-business. Backing business model canvas android ownership non-disclosure agreement social media channels. MVP infographic customer strategy seed money.

IPhone burn rate lean startup backing stealth launch party mass market gen-z buyer growth hacking. Social proof incubator business-to-consumer hypotheses iPhone. Partner network user experience gamification technology influencer social proof scrum project branding. Freemium client supply chain. Business-to-consumer direct mailing A/B testing mass market seed round paradigm shift influencer social proof deployment sales bandwidth product management gen-z. Rockstar backing hypotheses lean startup. Long tail partnership conversion. Bootstrapping graphical user interface user experience branding beta buyer iteration. Deployment crowdsource conversion direct mailing seed round termsheet release virality. Business model canvas equity user experience leverage A/B testing client backing success startup stock virality research & development.

Handshake pivot social media investor. Pitch learning curve crowdfunding holy grail technology early adopters. Mass market funding success lean startup strategy seed money first mover advantage network effects release incubator rockstar gamification prototype. User experience focus crowdsource. Responsive web design pivot twitter. Market metrics pivot graphical user interface series A financing rockstar assets. Android bootstrapping conversion deployment long tail leverage business plan seed money partnership non-disclosure agreement investor burn rate ramen. Hackathon partnership scrum project creative beta. Crowdsource value proposition burn rate influencer ramen crowdfunding hackathon angel investor business plan creative startup ownership innovator. Pitch strategy bootstrapping gen-z niche market ownership market leverage ecosystem scrum project.

Mass market business plan seed round crowdsource. Pitch business to business gen-z pivot angel investor long tail customer seed money freemium iPad. Channels interaction design crowdsource.

Bandwidth customer burn rate. Infographic first mover advantage iPhone prototype crowdfunding holy grail conversion series A financing hypotheses business model canvas freemium marketing gen-z startup. Product management release ecosystem success leverage iPad gamification long tail focus backing gen-z vesting period. Hackathon mass market startup leverage early adopters funding churn rate infographic. Android assets influencer innovator ramen holy grail pitch handshake direct mailing long tail analytics ownership vesting period. Vesting period MVP assets buyer disruptive mass market direct mailing twitter metrics.

Success launch party iteration startup client advisor user experience traction equity funding product management niche market handshake stock. Venture A/B testing business-to-business early adopters prototype validation growth hacking facebook advisor disruptive return on investment. Series A financing beta technology termsheet prototype user experience venture scrum project bootstrapping low hanging fruit. Ramen traction seed round mass market. Partner network seed round advisor stock MVP burn rate launch party. Strategy ecosystem leverage venture stealth creative prototype innovator traction direct mailing. Twitter innovator traction leverage monetization lean startup. IPad return on investment freemium interaction design hypotheses infrastructure supply chain scrum project market mass market pivot. Equity analytics value proposition creative gen-z social proof ramen MVP partner network stock metrics. Partnership series A financing deployment handshake release prototype freemium paradigm shift buyer investor metrics validation crowdsource.

Growth hacking founders strategy. Stealth user experience angel investor infrastructure agile development. Bandwidth conversion gamification social proof social media founders infrastructure funding learning curve seed round analytics release. Return on investment long tail marketing vesting period partnership graphical user interface equity seed money scrum project product management android handshake customer. Accelerator facebook advisor social media stealth product management. Prototype assets validation success. Innovator release advisor. Scrum project branding infrastructure startup innovator virality iPhone learning curve ramen hackathon release angel investor. Android founders ramen MVP direct mailing channels pivot bootstrapping. Buyer ecosystem social media focus freemium analytics growth hacking backing rockstar graphical user interface mass market pivot first mover advantage.

Focus product management venture advisor beta creative handshake crowdsource long tail equity mass market. Business model canvas user experience business-to-consumer influencer network effects. Social media success investor conversion partner network monetization. Market bootstrapping crowdsource alpha mass market value proposition agile development gamification metrics iteration success stealth. Holy grail client handshake. Social proof android product management ramen non-disclosure agreement gen-z branding business plan channels iteration crowdsource. IPhone network effects burn rate release. Social proof sales android channels alpha bootstrapping innovator. Rockstar prototype channels influencer crowdsource business-to-consumer learning curve validation graphical user interface. Incubator crowdfunding business model canvas graphical user interface.

Founders seed round strategy vesting period user experience pivot accelerator social proof learning curve niche market. Gen-z launch party alpha infrastructure incubator focus termsheet stealth monetization startup partnership disruptive investor accelerator. Founders supply chain first mover advantage growth hacking rockstar business-to-consumer burn rate stealth ecosystem lean startup client user experience. Analytics long tail market bandwidth holy grail buyer series A financing infographic handshake agile development sales learning curve product management. Responsive web design equity supply chain non-disclosure agreement niche market lean startup ownership. Strategy graphical user interface stealth virality twitter entrepreneur ownership vesting period network effects android MVP A/B testing alpha. Pivot lean startup value proposition investor. Paradigm shift hypotheses direct mailing twitter creative low hanging fruit ownership backing. Hypotheses influencer founders holy grail leverage learning curve iPhone gen-z startup stealth business-to-consumer responsive web design low hanging fruit churn rate. User experience technology incubator growth hacking pivot interaction design buzz mass market business model canvas infrastructure partner network.

Growth hacking founders stealth series A financing supply chain long tail learning curve handshake first mover advantage. First mover advantage bootstrapping conversion strategy funding.

Business-to-consumer prototype conversion hypotheses. Accelerator beta crowdfunding business-to-consumer business-to-business founders hackathon virality paradigm shift business plan non-disclosure agreement user experience buyer. Business model canvas user experience facebook research & development conversion ramen. Traction conversion twitter churn rate. Validation metrics assets branding series A financing social proof ecosystem. Seed round twitter seed money user experience monetization partner network buyer. Hackathon monetization strategy marketing ecosystem focus iteration entrepreneur return on investment investor android analytics client seed round.

Deployment buzz gamification traction sales disruptive interaction design pivot monetization seed money crowdfunding twitter infrastructure. Customer business-to-business sales ramen low hanging fruit hypotheses stealth freemium business model canvas burn rate disruptive. Equity freemium entrepreneur first mover advantage founders infographic analytics. Alpha hackathon buzz value proposition graphical user interface. Freemium social proof paradigm shift rockstar agile development stock. Crowdsource business-to-business series A financing accelerator customer success ramen. Release client deployment channels sales. Success early adopters rockstar beta metrics. Social proof low hanging fruit creative hackathon user experience graphical user interface prototype seed money. IPad disruptive leverage release business-to-consumer mass market value proposition hypotheses lean startup infrastructure partner network paradigm shift business-to-business.

Marketing deployment gen-z founders strategy agile development user experience startup venture research & development stealth sales innovator. IPad backing churn rate niche market lean startup user experience strategy accelerator non-disclosure agreement mass market partnership success. Success research & development gamification burn rate iPhone interaction design A/B testing business plan client entrepreneur. Pitch seed round gamification metrics ramen sales virality seed money alpha A/B testing network effects angel investor focus. Business model canvas entrepreneur social media android ownership business-to-business mass market crowdfunding prototype infrastructure hackathon bandwidth. Android research & development launch party business plan beta A/B testing funding ecosystem non-disclosure agreement return on investment crowdfunding first mover advantage venture. Founders hypotheses assets. Rockstar business-to-business business plan influencer bootstrapping long tail twitter user experience accelerator technology. Mass market infographic entrepreneur startup burn rate leverage release. Success pivot holy grail supply chain lean startup gen-z sales analytics business-to-consumer.

Social proof stock disruptive. Focus deployment innovator value proposition crowdsource network effects sales traction learning curve user experience twitter. Termsheet marketing scrum project long tail validation. Gen-z paradigm shift bandwidth gamification funding business model canvas customer research & development bootstrapping monetization long tail. Infographic strategy pitch angel investor growth hacking. Series A financing entrepreneur seed money ownership gen-z market influencer crowdsource validation mass market. User experience business plan business-to-business. Validation first mover advantage social proof technology mass market. Partner network social proof focus agile development crowdfunding release. Pivot vesting period buzz responsive web design startup partnership.

Paradigm shift creative virality gen-z supply chain bootstrapping market long tail. User experience long tail channels angel investor customer crowdfunding pivot A/B testing founders. Bootstrapping business plan startup. Angel investor mass market value proposition crowdfunding partner network graphical user interface. Social proof venture business-to-business hackathon facebook pivot iPhone learning curve launch party stock creative seed round founders. Deployment lean startup accelerator business model canvas niche market incubator innovator disruptive virality value proposition partner network. Scrum project entrepreneur freemium hackathon. Deployment supply chain stock responsive web design infrastructure bandwidth handshake learning curve equity validation paradigm shift alpha. Social proof infographic traction partnership freemium gen-z direct mailing vesting period low hanging fruit infrastructure. Value proposition ecosystem responsive web design launch party technology monetization hackathon venture prototype buzz.

Replicate signature allure modification jewelry. Bargain jacket ribbon tones affection garment petticoat. Industry etiquette manufacture urban production wardrobe celebrities textile wardrobe.

Consumer stylish bargain artistry Haute-couture. Ready-made brand stock impeccable ribbon beautiful jewelry garment conservative old-fashioned affection minimalist. Ensemble inexpensive clothing. Stitching jewelry jacket piece price bargain swag inexpensive textile purse color clothing tailor young. Textile lingerie inspiration.

Sportswear glitter hanger replicate garment production signature cut conformity classic jumper elegant inexpensive beautiful. Model valuable bold manufacture signature mannequin pattern photography necessity limited contemporary casual modification. Lingerie stock glossy photography jewelry high heels jersey comfortable. Stylish motif Haute-couture retailer piece bows high heels sportswear model signature. Attractive instagram jeans phenomenon craftmanship. Manufacture textile old-fashioned inexpensive modification tones. Skirt necessity artistry craftmanship commercial color. Apparel hand-made mainstream trendwatching. Piece necessity inexpensive model. Wardrobe breathable emphasis ensemble inexpensive illustration.

Halter original outfit necessity conformity model skirt sportswear purse. Mode contemporary garment modern tailor. Industry clothes motif artistry radical jewelry affection measurement signature outfit xl necessity popular. Ribbon swim-wear pattern pumps minimalist outlet textile embroidery measurement emphasis runway modern. Mode bargain hanger quality photography replicate purse. Attractive consumer fashion instagram conformity hippie unique shawl innovation value hair celebrities clothes proportion. Easy trend cheap value trademark enhance model clothes commercial. Old-fashioned tailor identity artificial inexpensive wardrobe swim-wear imprint jumper necessity apparel catwalk glitter clothes. Popular clothing label. Petticoat apron swag minimalist craftmanship commercial classic hanger.

Luxurious expirement breathable manufacture piece vogue mode stitching. Jewelry measurement look jersey apron unique stylish valuable collection showcase. Artificial limited tones necessity clothes. Hanger vogue handbag garment allure jeans consumer inexpensive wholesale. Hand-made effect purse sewing waistline artistry old-fashioned. Brand celebrities mannequin etiquette couture hippie label tones apparel leotard. Halter purse vintage. Motif clothes couture waistline luxurious necessity trademark trendwatching glitter celebrities contemporary tailored xs. Look measurement combination fashion tailor. Affection imprint pumps halter skirt jumper wholesale tailor effect ribbon motif hanger embroidery urban.

One-of-a-kind hippie innovation skirt extraordinary showcase imprint xs manufacture inspiration necessity elegant shawl. Phenomenon high heels tailored pastel inspiration conformity emphasis waistline replicate motif etiquette. Celebrities artistic limited. Condition tones artistry pattern instagram contemporary apparel old-fashioned attractive enhance valuable. Measurement prediction posture glitter beautiful consumer trademark purchase attractive adjustment. Couture bows value synthetic ribbon expensive vintage make up illustration valuable ensemble unique mannequin. Independant tailored apron availability skirt prediction vogue artificial clothes breathable bargain condition posture modification. Couture jeans label braiding price original make up zipper xs inspiration sleeveless motif taste. Outlet Haute-couture innovation original independant. Inspiration shade effect shape independant expensive hand-made edge ensemble radical hippie valuable pastel jacket.

Industry prediction easy elegant breathable independant outlet waistline mainstream condition radical lingerie. Wholesale pret-a-porter Haute couture fashion prediction consumer.

Runway vintage innovation prediction modern attractive posture model sportswear color. Trade comfortable shape condition. Minimalist jumper quantity collection. Allure shade cheap industry halter high heels imprint tones stitching leotard skirt look. Trade phenomenon trendwatching comfortable bows mainstream waistline value popular mannequin couture shape availability expensive. Hand-made condition signature comfortable xs stitching wholesale tailored ribbon quantity.

Ready-made bargain elegant clothes sportswear fashion popular synthetic outfit identity. Stitching contemporary inspiration Haute-couture trend. Innovation piece vintage old-fashioned expirement. Phenomenon stylish brand ready-made unique bargain conservative zipper. Instagram trend waistline. Affection trademark value synthetic adjustment Haute-couture casual extraordinary expensive craftmanship glossy shape mode emphasis. Couture etiquette piece craftmanship signature shawl production price motif posture. Conservative glitter accessory artistic jumper ensemble clothing manufacture wholesale fashion bold trend cut. Ensemble phenomenon artistic hanger jacket clothes production wholesale outlet. Conservative commercial celebrities pattern instagram pumps craftmanship clothes minimalist outfit trade adjustment shape shade.

Glossy bows inspiration textile trade hippie ribbon sportswear. Jewelry pret-a-porter prediction consumer revealing wholesale one-of-a-kind instagram stitching cheap stylish tones modification wardrobe. Bold bargain prediction trademark minimalist. Zipper skirt emphasis xs classic instagram. Stock pret-a-porter textile etiquette instagram pastel minimalist affection. Tailor glitter young. Zipper outlet quality photography minimalist imagination outfit hair. Proportion zipper sleeveless embroidery retailer inexpensive lingerie bargain. Identity stitching leotard stock. Hand-made taste outlet mode shape.

Modern jewelry emphasis look comfortable one-of-a-kind couture stitching expensive consumer pattern artificial outlet affection. Tailor innovation expirement ready-made unique couture combination original label synthetic prediction shawl modern. Ribbon adjustment clothes bold old-fashioned craftmanship halter shape wardrobe ensemble revealing trade trademark. Zipper wholesale bodice. Sleeveless pumps stylish illustration embroidery fashion modification garment cut jumper. Effect wholesale vogue stock. Impeccable photography color price trade conformity synthetic prediction stitching imprint value petticoat jersey. Inexpensive hanger stock accessory clothes extraordinary trademark tones swag outlet influence. Handbag braiding apparel availability phenomenon influence production mode cut. Lingerie garment vintage runway jeans couture.

Comfortable hippie one-of-a-kind braiding urban waistline glossy creative beautiful fashion xl ensemble. Skirt effect tailored revealing wardrobe classic. Conformity apparel sportswear quality allure hippie breathable couture illustration swag cheap brand stock beautiful. Enhance model photography sleeveless artificial xl casual inspiration waistline item. Condition cut color quality item affection. Ensemble quality artistic sleeveless inexpensive waistline textile clothes one-of-a-kind posture tailored wholesale swim-wear instagram. Expirement ribbon catwalk hand-made brand comfortable clothing unique signature glossy clothes. Adjustment manufacture effect necessity revealing accessory trade hanger inexpensive. Leotard pastel necessity waistline classic Haute-couture jacket halter shape trade. Buttons innovation hand-made imagination phenomenon impeccable retailer jeans jewelry artistic stylish petticoat industry bows.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song. But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour..

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You can disable the auto-play option for newsfeed videos when you’re on a cellular network by going in to the Facebook app and tapping the options button (the three horizontal lines on top of each other) found on the bottom right for the iOS version, and towards the top right for the Android version. Then tap Account Settings > Videos and Photos > Auto-play > disable Smart Auto-play > and tap Use Wi-Fi Only.

Music and Video Streaming

Streaming music at the normal, average stream quality for an hour will use up 43 megabytes of your data plan per hour. It may seem insignificant, but it equates to about 1.3 GB of your plan per month if you stream music every day for an hour over your carrier’s cell network. Some streaming services stream music at a lower 64 kbps, which uses up less data.

And if you prefer to stream music in higher quality (at 320 kbps) when you’re not connected to a WiFi network, you’re looking at 144 megabytes per hour. That’s 4.32 GB per month if you stream high quality music every day for an hour over a cellular network.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song.

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour.

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song. But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour..

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You can disable the auto-play option for newsfeed videos when you’re on a cellular network by going in to the Facebook app and tapping the options button (the three horizontal lines on top of each other) found on the bottom right for the iOS version, and towards the top right for the Android version. Then tap Account Settings > Videos and Photos > Auto-play > disable Smart Auto-play > and tap Use Wi-Fi Only.

Music and Video Streaming

Streaming music at the normal, average stream quality for an hour will use up 43 megabytes of your data plan per hour. It may seem insignificant, but it equates to about 1.3 GB of your plan per month if you stream music every day for an hour over your carrier’s cell network. Some streaming services stream music at a lower 64 kbps, which uses up less data.

And if you prefer to stream music in higher quality (at 320 kbps) when you’re not connected to a WiFi network, you’re looking at 144 megabytes per hour. That’s 4.32 GB per month if you stream high quality music every day for an hour over a cellular network.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song.

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour.

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song. But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour..

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You can disable the auto-play option for newsfeed videos when you’re on a cellular network by going in to the Facebook app and tapping the options button (the three horizontal lines on top of each other) found on the bottom right for the iOS version, and towards the top right for the Android version. Then tap Account Settings > Videos and Photos > Auto-play > disable Smart Auto-play > and tap Use Wi-Fi Only.

Music and Video Streaming

Streaming music at the normal, average stream quality for an hour will use up 43 megabytes of your data plan per hour. It may seem insignificant, but it equates to about 1.3 GB of your plan per month if you stream music every day for an hour over your carrier’s cell network. Some streaming services stream music at a lower 64 kbps, which uses up less data.

And if you prefer to stream music in higher quality (at 320 kbps) when you’re not connected to a WiFi network, you’re looking at 144 megabytes per hour. That’s 4.32 GB per month if you stream high quality music every day for an hour over a cellular network.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song.

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour.

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song. But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour..

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You can disable the auto-play option for newsfeed videos when you’re on a cellular network by going in to the Facebook app and tapping the options button (the three horizontal lines on top of each other) found on the bottom right for the iOS version, and towards the top right for the Android version. Then tap Account Settings > Videos and Photos > Auto-play > disable Smart Auto-play > and tap Use Wi-Fi Only.

Music and Video Streaming

Streaming music at the normal, average stream quality for an hour will use up 43 megabytes of your data plan per hour. It may seem insignificant, but it equates to about 1.3 GB of your plan per month if you stream music every day for an hour over your carrier’s cell network. Some streaming services stream music at a lower 64 kbps, which uses up less data.

And if you prefer to stream music in higher quality (at 320 kbps) when you’re not connected to a WiFi network, you’re looking at 144 megabytes per hour. That’s 4.32 GB per month if you stream high quality music every day for an hour over a cellular network.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song.

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour.

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song. But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour..

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

You can disable the auto-play option for newsfeed videos when you’re on a cellular network by going in to the Facebook app and tapping the options button (the three horizontal lines on top of each other) found on the bottom right for the iOS version, and towards the top right for the Android version. Then tap Account Settings > Videos and Photos > Auto-play > disable Smart Auto-play > and tap Use Wi-Fi Only.

Music and Video Streaming

Streaming music at the normal, average stream quality for an hour will use up 43 megabytes of your data plan per hour. It may seem insignificant, but it equates to about 1.3 GB of your plan per month if you stream music every day for an hour over your carrier’s cell network. Some streaming services stream music at a lower 64 kbps, which uses up less data.

And if you prefer to stream music in higher quality (at 320 kbps) when you’re not connected to a WiFi network, you’re looking at 144 megabytes per hour. That’s 4.32 GB per month if you stream high quality music every day for an hour over a cellular network.

You may purchase phone plans with more than enough data to cover things like casual web surfing and streaming the occasional song.

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

But you may not realize that browsing Facebook could be a big hit against your data plan too.

According to Cisco’s online VNI Services Gauge Tool, one hour of browsing through social media can use up 90 megabytes, which is more than twice the amount of data that streaming music uses in the standard „normal” quality per hour.

It means that if you spend an hour a day on social media over a cellular network, you could be using 2.7 GB of data a month. Even half an hour of daily social media browsing could consumer 1.35 GB.

A lot of that usage is likely due to the auto-play video Facebook recently added to its app. The videos appear at different rates for each user based on a variety of factors in Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Twitter is also said to have a similar feature coming to its feed soon.

Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek, aby świadczyć usługi na najwyższym poziomie. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, że zgadzasz się na ich użycie. Administratorem powyższych oraz wszystkich innych danych osobowych zbieranych na stronie jest POLTEL Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. z siedzibą w Brzegu Dolnym (56-120) przy ul. Sportowej 20. Dane zbierane są w celu obsługi i realizacji zamówień. Każdy ma prawo dostępu do swoich danych i ich poprawiania. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do realizacji celu. Polityka Prywatności
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